Thanks for praying… Great news from GST-NW!
A few weeks ago we had posted a prayer request for Global School of Theology – North West in South Africa (where we will be working) as they started a new school year.
We received some great news that they have 37 students for the first semester. Fifteen of them are NEW students with a call to be new church planters.
We look forward to being on campus as soon as possible.
We received some great news that they have 37 students for the first semester. Fifteen of them are NEW students with a call to be new church planters.
We look forward to being on campus as soon as possible.
Exciting news...We are closer but not there yet!
Marlene and I are excited that we only need $700 more of monthly commitments. That is only 14 people or churches at $50 a month to reach 100% and complete our safari to South Africa. AGAIN, we thank all of you who have helped us reach this point.
Now is the time!
If you have been waiting for a good time to partner with us, now is the time. Would you please visit our GIVING page today or complete an online Monthly Commitment Form?